Support Her Sport has officially kicked off

Published on 19 June 2015

It’s Father’s Day, and what better day to offically launch Support Her Sport, a new initiative to get parents actively involved in their daughter’s sport.

Liberty Insurance, proud partner of both Hurling and Camogie, are committed to promoting the profile of women's sport in Ireland. As part of that drive we commissioned WISE UP, a body of research to really understand the attitudes towards participation in and consumption of women’s sports in Ireland.

Some of the findings include:

  • 45% of women took part in team sports in school versus 64% of men
  • 40% of women were brought to a match as a child versus 60% of men
  • 28% of women don't know team sport locations near them versus 19% of men


We want to change this and agree with the 70% of Irish people who believe raising the profile of women's sport is important.


The solution starts with us

My dad has always been active in my sporting life. It started off bringing me to matches but then it went so far that he became the chairman in the Camogie club where I was playing - Jacqui Hurley

If you have a daughter, when was the last time you took her outside for a kick about, or a throw of a ball? Or even brought her to a match?

Girls should have the opportunity to play any sport they wish, not just the traditional ‘girls sports’ they play in school.

We’re not looking for future Olympians, we just want to get girls moving and enjoying sport, right through to adulthood, so they too can reap all the social, academic and health benefits it brings. The key to keeping them involved in sport is to keep them interested in it, and that means parents getting out there and experiencing a variety of different sports with them, either as players or spectators.

We know there’s a sport out there for everyone, it’s just a matter of finding it. So please help your daughter find hers. Over the next few months Support Her Sport will be bringing you ways to get you started, but right now we’re kicking off with a pledge.

Take the pledge

Make a difference, please pledge to bring your daughter, niece, sister or cousin to a women's sporting event in 2015. Tweet your pledge using #supporthersport, and tagging @libertyirl.

If you’re a parent or from a sports club and would like to find out more about getting involved in Support Her Sport, please email

*WISE UP, 2015